Contactless Payment FAQs
Do buses and trams accept contactless?
Yes! All our buses and trams accept contactless.
Do you cap my single fares?
Yep! Your single fares will be capped at the price of a day ticket each day, reassuring you that you're getting the best value. Learn more about daily fare capping here.
How do I know if my bank card is contactless?
Most bank cards now have contactless payments enabled but look out for the contactless symbol on your card that looks like this.
Can I pay using Google or Apple Pay?
Yes, if your device is set up with Google or Apple pay, you can use this to purchase your fares and tickets.
How do I know if it has worked?
When you place your card on the machine, it will let your driver know that the payment has been accepted and a message will be shown on the screen. If the payment does not work, the border of the screen will turn red and a message will be displayed.
What happens if my payment doesn't work?
Unfortunately, the machines will not tell our drivers why the payment has been declined. You will need to contact your bank or card issuer for further information about why this has happened. Some reasons for payments being declined are -
- The card hasn't been approved by the bank for the transaction.
- Several contactless transactions have occurred in a short space of time which can trigger automated fraud risk management policies with your bank or card issuer.
- The card hasn’t been used at a Chip and PIN terminal for a certain period.
- More than one card has been detected by the reader at the same time.
If your contactless payment continues to decline, you will need to pay your fare in cash or purchase a ticket via our mobile app.
Some card issuers ask that you use a Chip & Pin terminal on occasion in between your contactless payments, this will not happen on our machines and you won't need to worry about your payment being declined for this reason.
What cards can I use?
Our machines will currently accept all methods of contactless payment except American Express cards. This includes VISA, Mastercard, Maestro and Apple/Google Pay devices.
Can I buy saver tickets using contactless?
You can purchase all your single fares, family/group tickets, 1 day, 3 day and 7 day saver tickets using your contactless card or device. You cannot purchase a 30 day ticket with contactless but you can do this quickly and easily online or via our mobile app and still benefit from simple and safe contactless journeys
Can I pay part cash part contactless?
No, you will need to pay for your fare in full if using contactless payments. Cash can be used as an alternative or you can buy your tickets in advance online or via our mobile app.
How do I get a refund?
Our drivers can issue you with a refund for up to two minutes after your payment has been made. If two minutes have passed, your drivers will be able 'annul' your ticket and a refund will be processed within 5 - 7 working days. You will be issued with a slip to explain the process of your refund.
Why does my account show a deduction of £0.10 or £0.20p when I have bought a ticket?
Sometimes, your bank may use a 'pre-authorisation' charge. This is a temporary charge to your account so that your bank can authorise the payment, and ensure you have the funds available. This charge is not additional, it will change to the correct fare amount once your bank has released the payment.
We're changing how you board using a paper or mobile ticket
As part of our new contactless payment machines, we’re adding an extra level of security to our mobile and paper tickets.
Instead of showing your ticket to the driver when you board, simply present your ticket under the QR code scanner and wait for a quick ‘beep’. Once the scanner beeps and the machine glows green, you’re all set, so take your seat!
This will also make it quicker to board in most cases. If for any reason your ticket is declined, the driver will be able to let you know the reason why. This is normally the case if your ticket has expired, has been copied or isn’t valid for your journey. Don’t worry though, If you’ve got any questions, just ask your driver.
Not every ticket will have a QR code on it so if yours doesn’t then don’t worry, just show your ticket to the driver as normal.
Have any questions about paying with contactless? Get in touch with our team who will be more than happy to help!