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  • 11 from Lytham

    22nd Jan 2025

    the number 11 from Lytham leaving at 11:40 won't be running between Lytham and St Annes. sorry for any inconvenience

  • 5c diversion to Blackpool

    22nd - 24th Jan 2025

    The service 5c will be diverted going to Blackpool from Knott end, When going through grange park, at the end of Gateside Drive they will be turning right onto Chepstow Road, then left Poutlon road, then left at Plymouth Road roundabout. This is only going to Blackpool.

  • Ryecroft corner bus Stop Not In Use

    11th Jan 2025 onwards

    Due to roadworks the Bus Stop at Ryecroft Corner heading back to Poulton is out of use , please use either the one before outside The Village News or the one after opposite the Shovels Pub, apologies for any inconvenience caused

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Route map

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Service 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5cService 5c
Knott End Ferry Car Park 06:25 07:05 07:45 08:25 09:05 09:45 10:25 11:05 11:45 12:25 13:05 13:45 14:25 15:05 15:45 16:25 17:05 17:45 18:25 19:05 19:50 20:50 21:50
Black Bull 06:32 07:13 07:53 08:33 09:12 09:52 10:32 11:12 11:52 12:32 13:12 13:52 14:32 15:13 15:53 16:33 17:13 17:52 18:32 19:12 19:57 20:57 21:57
Ryecroft Corner 06:45 07:26 08:06 08:46 09:25 10:05 10:45 11:25 12:05 12:45 13:25 14:05 14:45 15:26 16:06 16:46 17:26 18:05 18:45 19:25 20:07 21:07 22:07
Wyre Hotel 06:52 07:36 08:16 08:56 09:32 10:12 10:52 11:32 12:12 12:52 13:32 14:12 14:52 15:36 16:16 16:56 17:36 18:12 18:52 19:32 20:14 21:14 22:14
St Chads Church 06:59 07:52 08:32 09:12 09:39 10:19 10:59 11:39 12:19 12:59 13:39 14:19 14:59 15:52 16:32 17:12 17:52 18:19 18:59 19:39 20:21 21:21 22:21
Aspire Academy 07:06 07:59 08:39 09:19 09:46 10:26 11:06 11:46 12:26 13:06 13:46 14:26 15:06 15:59 16:39 17:19 17:59 18:26 19:06 19:46 20:27 21:27 22:27
Victoria Hospital (Main Entrance) 07:20 08:13 08:53 09:33 10:00 10:40 11:20 12:00 12:40 13:20 14:00 14:40 15:20 16:13 16:53 17:33 18:13 18:40 19:20 20:00 20:38 21:38 22:38
Devonshire Square 07:26 08:20 09:00 09:40 10:06 10:46 11:26 12:06 12:46 13:26 14:06 14:46 15:26 16:20 17:00 17:40 18:20 18:46 19:26 20:06 20:44 21:44 22:44
Corporation Street 07:33 08:27 09:07 09:47 10:13 10:53 11:33 12:13 12:53 13:33 14:13 14:53 15:33 16:27 17:07 17:47 18:27 18:53 19:33 20:13 20:48 21:48 22:48

Our buses should leave main stops no later than 5 minutes past the scheduled time, and no earlier than 1 minute before. Drivers use main stops to keep running on time, but stops in between these are only estimates and drivers are not asked to wait at these stops. We do our best to run our buses ​on​ time, but please allow plenty of time to catch the bus and any connections as not everything is within our control.

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