Accessibility Information
Accessibility Information
Getting on and off the bus/tram
Buses do not stop at every stop they pass – the route number of the buses that stop at each stop are displayed on the bus stop timetable or the bus stop flag. If you wish to travel please give the driver as much notice as possible by holding out your arm as the bus approaches. When you come to alight, you should ring the bell once in good time to alert the driver.
Can I pay my fare with a £5, £10 or £20 note?
Change is given on our buses and trams. However please try and have the right fare ready as this will allow you to board much faster – and it only takes a few people with £10/£20 notes to use up the driver or conductor’s change.
Child fares
All child single fares are £1.50 per journey and are available at all times. We also have child tickets available for 24 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or 30 days.
We allow dogs on our buses, but in doing so you agree to carry it or hold it on a lead for the whole of the journey. Dogs are not allowed on seats. The fares for dogs is 60p or there is also a DayRover available offering your best friend an unlimited amount of all day travel with you for just £1 and a 7 Day Dog Ticket offering 7 days of travel for just £5.00. Woofing good value!
Guide dogs or recognised assistance dogs travel for free on both our buses and trams.
Eating and Drinking
Please note there is no eating or drinking allowed on any vehicles. We do not want to inconvenience other customers with the possibility of creating soiled seating and other Health and Safety Hazards.
Job Centre Plus Discount Cards
If you are in receipt of a Job Centre Plus discount card, you can travel for the child fare of £1.50 per journey on our network of buses and trams. This discount does not apply to 1 day, 3 days, weekly or monthly tickets.
The majority of our bus fleet are Palladium branded vehicles, distinguishable by the grey and yellow livery. These low floor vehicles are fully accessible with both audio and visual next stop announcements alongside plenty of space for both wheelchair and pushchair users.
Our trams operate from Starr Gate all the way through to Fleetwood along Blackpool Promenade and run roughly every 10 – 15 minutes. All trams (Excluding Heritage Trams) have level boarding and step-free interiors. All except the Heritage trams have both visual & audible announcers to inform passengers of the next stops.
Lost Property
If you leave something on one of our buses or trams please contact us by one of the methods mentioned at the bottom of the page or on the contacts tab. Our staff can let you know if the property has been found and handed in. All lost property is kept at our bus depot on Rigby Road. . Proof of identity is required when collecting items i.e. passport, driving licence, utility bill.
Mobility Scooters
Whilst there are no legal requirements to carry mobility scooters, we are keen to welcome customers who use one, whenever it is safe to do so.
A Code of conduct has been developed jointly by CPT (Confederation of Passengers Transport, the trade body representing bus, tram and coach operators in the UK) and the Department for Transport. Unfortunately, as mobility scooters are not built to recognised common standards, anyone wishing to travel by bus or tram in a scooter will need to have their individual scooters approved as suitable. Blackpool Transport has signed up for this code and we will be pleased to supply more detailed information to assist any customers in applying for a scooter permit.
Please note unfolded bikes and scooters cannot be carried on trams or buses due to the difficulty of stowing them safely on our vehicles.
Fold up bikes and scooters can be carried as long as they are folded, in a case and can be stowed safely. They will then be constituted as an item of luggage.
Please note : From 8th September 2023, e-scooters, e-bikes and e-unicycles will not be permitted on Blackpool Transport vehicles. This includes electric bikes, scooters and unicycles that can be folded or carried. This change is due to fire and safety risks associated with these electronic devices. Many are unregulated and use lithium-ion batteries, which are prone to catching fire. In incidents such as these, our staff and customers would be at risk of harm.
Please note there is no smoking on any Blackpool Transport buses or trams. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes.
Wheelchair/Pushchair space
All of our modern light rail trams are wheelchair accessible and our low floor buses are designed to allow wheelchair users to access our services.
Wheelchair users have priority use of the wheelchair space on our buses, as this is the only place in which wheelchair users can travel safely.
We urge our customers to offer their cooperation in making the wheelchair space available for wheelchair users when required.
If the wheelchair space is occupied with a pushchair, the driver will ask the customer to make use of any available space on the bus by either repositioning or folding down their pushchair, where this is possible.
Unfortunately, if a customer with a pushchair refuses to move, is unable to fold down their pushchair or if there is insufficient space elsewhere on the bus, the wheelchair user will be unable to board.
Our drivers will endeavour to ensure a wheelchair user is able to board at all times but are reliant on the goodwill of customers. In situations where the bus is full, or there is already a wheelchair user on board, we will unfortunately not be able to carry another wheelchair user.